Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Prayer For You On This Fathers' Day

Today is the day when everyone remembers their dad, sends cards and presents, and gives hugs, either in person or in long-distance.

But for those of you for whom Fathers' Day hurts, this post is for you.

For the kids who are far away from their dads, whether it's miles or continents, I pray that the distance won't seem so great and that there will be a way for you to connect with your dad.
For the kids whose fathers have died, I pray that your grief will not drown you and that your happy memories of Dad will hold you up.
For the kids who have never known their fathers, I pray that you would be able to forget the reasons that you don't know your dad and appreciate the chromosomes he passed along.
For the kids who don't get to see their dads very often, I pray that you will be able to celebrate your dad the next time you see him as fully as you would have celebrated him today.
For the kids whose fathers have hurt them, I pray that this day would not remind you of that pain.

For the fathers whose children have died, I pray that your grief will not overtake you and that you will remember that you will always be their dad.
For the stepfathers, I pray that you will appreciate your stepchildren for who they are, forgive them when they treat you badly, and be the strong role model they need.
For the fathers who don't get to see their kids very often, I pray that the time you do spend with your kids can be as special as it would have been today and that being away won't hurt too much.

For all of you whose Fathers' Day is less than ideal...I'm praying for you.

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