Friday, August 3, 2012

A Prayer for You, Kates

Honey, this sucks. The OPI sucks.
I wish I knew how to help you. I wish I knew what to say that would help. I hope I've held back from saying things that wouldn't help. If I could give you my OPI score, I would do it in a heartbeat. I feel a little bit guilty because I have it and don't need it. Have you ever noticed that you and I have exactly what the other needs? You have the passion for teaching and Spanish, which I need, and I have the OPI score, which you need. Life is weird sometimes.

I could tell you that God has a plan, but you already know that. And I don't find that super helpful when I'm upset. I could tell you to be patient and wait for what God has in store, but I don't like it when people say that to me either. I could even say that teaching Spanish may not be what you're supposed to be doing, but I'm pretty sure that that is the last thing you want to hear and I'm afraid you might smack me.

So here's what I will tell you: I'm praying for you. I'm here to listen. I like smashing things, if your anger ever needs an outlet.

You'll figure it out. You're strong. You're a fighter. Eventually, it will all make sense. I love you.

Love, Andrea


  1. To both of you, thank you for your vulnerability in sharing your stories and the resilience and hope you have held out for the readers to view. I am still cheering for you both as I have been for the past 6 years.

  2. I'm now in tears, sitting in a computer lab at GVSU. You're the best. I still doon't know what God has in store. He will reveal it in his time. I'm sure of that. Let's get together soon. Maybe I need to come out for a beach day!

  3. I love both of you ladies so much! Why does life have to be so hard sometimes!?!??!?!?!? ahhhhhhhh Prayers all around!

    Love Rach
