Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Isaiah 40:29

So I'm going to do something that I haven't really done with this blog yet...write entirely about myself.

Usually I try to disguise writing about myself by adding funny anecdotes or doing the post in a unique way, but today, I have no funny or uniqueness.

I am tired. And I have been tired for a long time. People that know me know that I am in no way a morning person. But some days I feel like I never really wake up. You know that feeling when you wake up but don't feel rested? Getting going is a little slow, and you feel foggy for a little while? There are days when I have that all day. Not really conducive to teaching Bible School and being wild and crazy, wouldn't ya say?

Somehow, God always knows when I need strength and He gives it to me right when I need it. 8:00am-9:45am is probably my most sleepy time of the day. For Tuesday through Friday, that means Staff Devotions and Bible School prep time. Some days I just walk around like I'm in a haze, trying to plan the lesson and organize materials and do all the other stuff. But God knows just when to give me that strength I need. The garage door goes up at 9:45, the kids are all waiting, and it's like He's pulled a switch on my energy. I have the strength to be wild and crazy, play games in line with the kids, sing and do motions during the song time, teach the lesson with patience and charisma, and, basically, act like I'm not tired. Only on God's strength. Certainly not my own.

There are still a few days where I don't feel energized during Bible School, but I know that those are the days where I have to trust the other teachers to carry the lesson or activity, which is something else that I have had to learn to do this summer. Two of my teachers are new staff members, and it's easy for me to hand the simpler stuff off to them (like the Bible verse or rules for a game) and take the lesson upon myself. But God is teaching me that there will be days when I simply can't do it all by myself and that I have to trust them to do just as good of a job.

 "He gives strength to the weary and lends His power to the weak." (Isaiah 40:29).

And that's a promise. :)

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