Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's the Last Week Already?

Sometimes the semester went fast:
 - Time sure ran out quick on that unit plan
 - I feel like I just mastered all my students' names
 - Finally got my filing system under control
And other times it went soooo slow:
 - The wait for Spring Break. Especially the 2 weeks between Calvin's SB and mine. Interminable.
 - Okay, I had other examples, but I can't think of them right now.

Anyway, I'm struggling to figure out how to describe this semester when people smilingly ask me the question, "Oh, how is student teaching going?" 

I could say "good" because there are definitely elements of the semester that have been good: Getting to know 180 unique students, spending Monday evenings with my seminar / group therapy girls, teaching my Cuba unit, encouraging my students to care about people other than themselves, those three weeks where I was all on my own, sink or swim... (I swam, by the way)

I could say "frustrating": students who refused to be respectful to me and each other, sleeping 9 or 10 hours per night and never feeling rested, never quite feeling at home at my school...

I could say "delicious": Starbucks Vanilla Bean Lattes on bad days, snack-size McFlurries on bad days, Wendy's when I wasted too much time and didn't pack a lunch, the day that the teachers got free donuts, the 2 days of parent-teacher conferences when the Parent Committee brought in dinner for us...

I could say "heart-breaking": tales of coping with homelessness, covering for my CT on the anniversary of the day one of her children passed away, knowing that I can't pray openly with my students when they really need it...

And I could also say "heart-warming": hearing news that recent tests came back with no signs of cancer, dozens of students who changed their opinion about immigrants during the Cuba unit, a formerly hostile student who changed her mind about me and managed to raise her test average from 0% to 70%...

So whatever one-word answer you're looking for, there's 5 options for ya. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love you girl. Praying for joy and excitement as you begin the next part of your journey. Love, Nana and Papa
