Monday, October 15, 2012

TWoNC, Day 2: Brings Good to Others

She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. (31:12)

This verse follows the verse from yesterday, the one about inspiring confidence. This woman strives to bring good, as much good as she can, to the people that she loves. The verse refers to her husband, but for those of us that don't have husbands, I think we can substitute "them" for "him." All of the careful decisions she makes, all of the careful planning she does, and all of the work she does is for the good of the ones she loves. They are always on her mind, their well-being in the forefront of her thoughts. Because she loves them, she protects them from harm. 

And she does this each day, all of the days of her life. 

She can't afford to make bad decisions that might hurt other people, or even herself. God has entrusted her to take care of other people: biological children, non-biological children, a spouse, co-workers, friends, residents, parents, students, patients,  roommates...she brings good, not harm. I think taking care of other people is one of the most honorable things that a person can do with their life. It's a Biblical mandate: whatever you do for the least of these children of mine, you do for me. All of us are the "least" of these in some capacity; Jesus isn't talking about just the starving children of Africa or the poor old people in the nursing home.

Caring for the hungry means feeding the starving children of Grand Rapids as well as the starving children of Africa, encouraging the ones who are desperate for recognition, and ministering to the ones who seek something more substantial than what they've been getting by on.

Caring for the thirsty means providing clean water to those who can't access it, pouring into the ones who then pour into others, and quenching the dry cracked hearts of those who have been away from the Fountain for a long time.

Caring for the stranger means welcoming the unfamiliar face, forgiving the ones who have made themselves strangers to you, and bringing justice to the ones who are far away from home.

Caring for the naked means providing clothing for those who can't afford it, surrounding the vulnerable in love and protection, and sharing the space under the Eagle's wings with those who need shelter.

Caring for the sick means taking care of those who can't take care of themselves, providing a support system for those whose steps are unsure, and bringing the Light to those who need a reason to live. 

Caring for the imprisoned means fighting for those whom society has chosen to forget, climbing into the pit with those who are stuck, and advertising the ultimate Freedom. 

Caring for the least of these means....bringing good. 

Let us pray.
Papa, thank you for taking care of me and demonstrating to me how to take care of others. Help me to see those who need a little bit more good in their lives. Help me to pay attention to Your nudges and to look out for others' needs, not just my own. Strengthen me so that I never ever become weary in doing good. I want You to shine on me, shine in me, and shine out of me. I'm yours. 

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