Friday, June 17, 2011

A Small Landmark and a Three-Word Sentence Story

First things first: As of 9:39pm EST, this blog reached 1,000 pageviews. I want to thank everyone that reads this blog, whether it be every time I post or just from time to time. It means a lot to me and I appreciate every single one of you. Now get this: I have had readers from the United States (of course), Spain (especially while I was there), the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Costa Rica, Denmark, United Kingdom, India, and Italy. How cool is that? I think sometimes its just a stray search engine return that provides me with readers from such faraway countries, but it's an interesting testament to how the Internet connects the whole world.

Now, on to the Three-Word Sentence Story. My friends and I would do this whenever we were bored and wanted to make our day seem more interesting. So here goes.

Andrea wakes up.
Sings with alarm.
It's Friday, Friday,
Gotta get down.
Must leave bed.
Stumbles to bathroom.
Blinks and blinks.
Alyssa says "Morning."
Andrea just nods.
Returns to bedroom.
Puts on clothes.
Lindsey says "Morning."
Speech still eludes.
Jessica hums "Friday."
Curses alarm selection.
Andrea is ready.
Puts on shoes.
Walks to breakfast.
Search for coffee.
Must have coffee.
Andrea finds mug.
Machine no work.
Andrea is devastated.
Settles for juice.
(Skip to BibleSchool).
Greets her class.
Kids complaining lots.
"Andrea, too hot!
Let us inside!"
Time to start.
High-five everyone.
3's not shy.
Usually they are.
Next come 4s-5s-Kindergartners.
All shout loudly.
Have much energy.
1st-2nd need supervision.
But they're fun.
3rd-4th are last.
They slap hard.
Often my arms.
Not my hands.
Ow ow ow.
Start with singing.
Everybody get wild!!
Motions are crazy.
Kids are crazy.
All have fun.
Bible Lesson: Furnace.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
Craft time after.
Leave for store.
Andrea is Boss.
Mrs. L gone.
Mwa ha ha.
Work not remarkable.
Lunch after work.
Eat leftover wings.
Sun-bathe outside.
Love Sun Ghetto.
Tie-dye time.
New shirt made.
It is pink.
On to pizzas.
Helped train Lynn.
Has many accents.
Pizza ingredients everywhere.
Bring pizzas out.
Riley almost faints.
Hopped on Vicodin.
"Drink more water!"
Dinner with housemates.
Cleaned house reward?
Pizza on Mike.
Learned something interesting.
Lindsey dances "Bernie."
And quite well.
Finish day's work.
Change my clothes.
Encounter the VanNoords.
Chat with Jen.
Throw with Isaiah.
Save baby bird.
Football throwing competition.
Soccerball kicking competition.
Wind sprint competition.
Everything is competition.
Time for basketball.
Go to YC.
Practice shooting hoops.
Ball hits Isaiah.
But he laughs.
Almost hits wall.
Laughs even more.
Silly silly boy.
Back to soccer.
Andrea practices goalie.
Blaze takes shots.
Isaiah wants in.
Fight over ball.
Fancy footwork fight.
Exhausted after hour.
Dribbling is hard.
Least for me.
All drink water.
Andrea spills water.
Shirt now wet.
Put sandals on.
Might take hours.
They're quite strappy.
Time for bed.
Return to cottage.
Boys greatly worried.
Concerned for bird.
"Bird can survive,"
says Mom Jen.
Answer somewhat satisfies.
Return to Amistad.
Almost bed time.
Blog update first.
Ice cream second.
Shower is third.
Then to bed.
Cottage Cleaning tomorrow.
No no no.
But bright side:
Good night everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know you at all but I read your blog every day. I stumbled upon your blog by blog clicking (or at least that is what I am now calling it) aka starting on a blog I know and then just clicking on a random follower and then on said random followers blog clicking on another random follower and so on until BAM this blog. Anyways...I feel like we are the same person, well obviously we are not but you remind me of myself. And I greatly enjoy every single post, no joke. I adored the 3 word sentence thing even though I knew no one you were talking about or any of the places you were referencing. So keep on a bloggin', your posts make me happy and they make me think, which are both pretty great things.

    - J

    p.s. I kind of want your life(if thats not to creepy to say, which it probably is but whatevs)
