Thursday, August 11, 2011

Something to Warm My Heart

I teach 3rd and 4th grade Bible School out here at the Conference Grounds and generally, I'm not the teacher that the kids remember. Or, if I am the one they remember and point out to their parents, it's the kids that aren't my students. In fact, most of the 4 and 5 year olds get me mixed up with their actual teacher, Samantha, because we look a lot alike, especially to them. But as far as the 3rd and 4th graders go, it's usually James that they remember because he is so crazy and charismatic and somehow gets the "too cool for school" boys to behave.

That's okay by me. I'm used to it. But today, I got a nice little surprise! Corie, one of my 3rd graders, came into the store about 17 times. This is not unusual for Corie, who is at the Grounds all the time. Her grandparents work here, her mom is the main gal for Special Needs Week, and they love any excuse to come out to the beach and get ice cream. The final time that she came in, she handed me a note. I opened the note, and this is what it said:
It warmed my heart right up! Not only because it was so cute, but because it cut to that piece of my heart that twinges whenever my kids forget my name and that I'm their teacher. I know that there are kids who know who I am and remember my name and think I'm great, but I always seem to remember the ones that don't. That's how it always is, isn't it? We remember only the sad, and never the good. Anyway, I had to come around the corner and give Corie a big hug, and I told her that she made my whole day. I wished her a good school year, and she promised to tell me who her teacher is as soon as she finds out. :)

After a week of unruly misbehaving boys, my little Corie turned it allllllll around.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Corie. I agree with you. I will miss Miss Andrea, too.
