Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Drama, Drama, Drama...

Actually, this post is about a lack of drama.

Some of us girls were laying out on the beach this morning/early afternoon just talking about everything and anything. One of the topics that surfaced was how we have experienced NO drama this semester. Do you know how rare that is? There are 18 girls on this semester abroad, we all have more or less the same classes, and we know virtually nobody else in this whole country that is our age. Not to mention, we took three long weekend excursions this semester, which means 4 days together, 12 hours of which are spent on a greyhound bus. Basically, we are together alllllll the time.

And yet, we haven't had to deal with a single bit of drama! It has been such a blessing. A few people said that last semester's group had so much drama, and I'm so thankful that we haven't had any. It just makes things so much easier in every aspect. We can mix in any group or combination imaginable and be completely comfortable with each other, which is a rare concept in a group of 18 girls, if you ask me.

God has really blessed us this semester. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to meet these girls, because I'm very sure that I would not have gotten to know the majority of them otherwise. :)

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