Monday, May 9, 2011

Things I Have Done to Avoid Studying This Week

1. Watched 6 episodes in a row of 30 Rock.
2. Walked to llao llao for a frozen yogurt with granola, fresh strawberries, and fruit of the forest topping.
3. Laid out on the beach. Although, I took my notes along and did two days of history while there. So maybe this one doesn't fully count.
4. Innumerable games of Solitaire.
5. Skyped with Jessica, my parents, my brothers, and my grandparents.
6. Learned French - pommes frites, sil vous plait.
7. Brainstormed names for the new fish.
8. Naps.
9. Read four chapters of my Spanish Harry Potter book.
10. Counted the spare change on my bedside table, desk, and dresser. 2.69E.
11. Considered filing an official complaint against the train conductors that lay on the horn every time they go past my building (twice per hour).
12. Shaved my legs and put lotion on them.
13. Found the nutcracker and all the other hidden objects in the book that I use under my laptop, "Find the Nutcracker in His Christmas Ballet."
14. Played a review game on the internet about 213098234 times to learn the countries of Central and South America for an exam.
15. Fended off the random dog that has appeared in the apartment. Again.
16. Watched Friends in Spanish. Not as funny, but hearing the Spanish cast members singing Smelly Cat TOTALLY makes up for it.
17. Counted down the days to my birthday, which is the 17th of October. 160!
18. Searched for Calvin and Hobbes comics online.
19. Changed my desktop picture 4 times.
20. Counted down the days to the beginning of student teaching: 265. Oh heavens.
21. Checked the going rate for human livers on the black market.
22. ..............

I don't want to study. :)


  1. Dude. Spair change = medium sized llao llao with 3 toppings.

  2. 22) compiled a list of things you've done to avoid studying
    23) posted that list on your blog
    24) noticed that item number 23 was a momentary distraction from studying
    25) noticed that item number 24 was too
    26) noticing that you're caught in an infinite loop...

  3. Thanks for the distraction, Tribenutupnorth... :)
