Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Murder Mystery

September 10, 2010: Madi Yoder gives me a fish as an early birthday present. It's a red male beta and I decide to name him Chubasco, which means "downpour" in Spanish. I found a LEGO scuba diver, shark, and piece of seaweed to put in the bowl with him for company (and because it made me laugh). Chubasco and I became best friends (well, as good of a friend as a fish can be) and he made the long nights of studying go by more easily.
December, 2010: I had to say good-bye to Chubasco because my mom said she would not take care of him for the whole semester while I was away. Okay, that was fine, Renee (my roommate) said she would take care of him for the spring. Good deal, we're all set.
May, 2011: My parents go to Calvin to pick up my futon, table, and my beloved Chubasco. As I skyped with my family this afternoon, my brother Drew brings the fish bowl in so that I can say hi to Chubasco.


Chubasco is now blue. Completely blue. I was 98% sure that Chubasco was red when I left. I had to go back through my Photo of the Day album on Facebook and sure enough: a red fish.
I couldn't stop laughing. Either Chubasco completely changed colors (which I hadn't heard of in beta fish before), or he died and Renee replaced him for me. Renee, if you're reading this, I very much appreciate that you replaced my fish. :) I just think it's absolutely hilarious that you found one that looked not at all like the original.
So this new fish, what shall we do with you...well, the blue fish (which we have yet to name) is going to become our cottage pet at the Conference Grounds this summer. I really wanted to get some sort of pet for the cottage last year, but it never happened, so this is kind of my dream come true. With any luck, it may even become the official Grounds mascot. Besides Elmer the toy duck who has wheels for feet and Darla the frighteningly life-like 3 foot doll.

So, murder mystery: more or less solved. Unless further evidence surfaces or a witness steps forward. But no pasa nada, this blue fish is really cute. :)

1 comment:

  1. you're really loving the blog :)... you should have been doing this all along I tell ya! :)
